2021 Alternative New Year’s Resolutions

At the beginning of a year, people usually set goals for the new year that is starting. These goals usually include things like: start a new hobby, learn a new language, learn to play an instrument, lose weight, go to the gym, or maybe more specific goals like run a marathon, get into university, getContinue reading “2021 Alternative New Year’s Resolutions”

7 Top Tips to Start Meditating

There are so many benefits to meditation. However, even though I know it is good for me, I still struggled to do it everyday so I have compiled a list of the things that have helped me to meditate daily and I hope with all my heart that it can help someone else too.

Love is (not) enough

I used to believe love was enough, I used to believe that if someone loved you then it would work out. That if someone loved you and you loved them it would all be alright, that you would be able to overcome anything. I recently realised this is not true because love is not enough..

De adentro hacia afuera

Siempre me ha gustado estar sola, la soledad era mi refugio. Ella me ayudaba a respirar, a relajarme, a escapar, a recargar mi energía… Nunca pensé que la soledad podría convertirse un día en mi prisión.
Ahora sé que estar sola por elección es muy diferente a estar sola porque no hay otra opción.

Feet on the Earth: 7 Things to Ground Yourself

Grounding brings you back into your body, into Presence, into the Now. Grounding helps to feel centred, focused, present, safe, here. It is one of our most basic and simple tools that we can all access to heal. There are many ways to ground yourself. In this post, I share the things that help me get grounded and stay grounded.

The Whole Within

To find balance we need the Whole of Us. We need our Yin and our Yang. Too much or too little of either is not healthy. We need both. And most importantly we need to understand we ARE both. Sometimes we think we are only one part of the whole, that we are the part that has the Yin with a bit of Yang and that someone else who will complement us or rather “complete us” will be the Yang that has a little bit of Yin, or vice-versa. This is not true. We are Both. We are the Whole. And by integrating this Whole Within, we find our Balance.

We Disagree… The Love Is Still There: A Guide To Having Uncomfortable Conversations with Your Loved Ones

Here is my guide to have uncomfortable yet important conversation with your loved ones without forgetting the basic thing: that you love each other.